Alltype Engineering has been engaged by Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) on the upgrade of its Solomon Hub Meter Station Upgrade, which is located approximately 280km south east of Karratha.

Recently, we have successfully carried out Proof Load Testing of the Meter Station Upgrade Skid at our Naval Base Facility. The skid will now go out for Surface Treatment before returning to our workshop for full SMP and electrical and instrumentation assembly.

Our scope of works includes fabrication, assembly and installation of new process piping and a control skid, fabrication and installation of off-skid pipe and supports, installation of a new water bath heater, fit out and installation of a new Control Hut and carry out brownfield Civil, SMP, Electrical and Instrumentation works.

The outcome of this project will increase the metering capacity at the AGIG Solomon Meter Station from 26TJ/d to 64TJ/d. New filtration, metering and pressure control equipment will be installed within the existing facility to supply gas through a second customer connection for the new power station.

In addition to the new connection, the existing metering equipment will be upgraded to increase the supply capacity to the existing power station. A new primary water bath heater will be installed to deliver the required heat input to the gas supplied to both connections.

Alltype Engineering is expected to complete this project by mid year.

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