Beharra Springs Mercury Filter Fabrication and SMP Installation Works

Scope Of Works

Alltype Engineering was contracted to supply and fabricate stainless steel pipe spooling and pipe supports as part of a mercury filter upgrade for the Beharra Springs Gas Facility. Shop fabrication works were followed by mobilisation to provide on-site brownfields demolition and construction.

The project initially involved the demolition and relocation of the existing Mercury Filter to a newly installed concrete bund. This modification facilitated the installation of newly fabricated, re-configured pipe spooling and site run instrument tubing.

Upon completion of the works, optimisation of the equipment and process has allowed for an improved turn-around for Condensate load-out, and pump-in of Methanol through the existing pump configuration, as well as improve safety and environmental outcomes for operations personnel.

Project Description


GPA Engineering


Beharra Springs Gas Facility, Dongara, Western Australia



Scope of works:

Fabrication and SMP Installation Works

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